Sunday, December 1, 2013

Woe is Me

It might have been the turkey that I ate
Or simply my unproductivity
My sad tendency to procrastinate
Amounts in this here blog being tardy

The brainwashing effects of a Netflix
Series that I enjoy watching all day
Has gotten me in quite a tragic fix
Which causes me some sadness and dismay

This iPad keyboard is quite troublesome
I keep on clicking on the wrong letters
But I don't plan on being some old bum
So here I sit making this blog better

If ever approaches another break
The same sad mistake I hope not to make

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Oh Jonathan-- your procrastination is eloquently expressed. :) Although thematically speaking, this is lighter stuff than would typically be addressed in a sonnet, it's great that you still put yourself through the experience of writing in three contained quatrains, via iambic pentameter, with an ending couplet that wraps it all up. You did a nice job, and this is characteristically entertaining, as usual.

    What was the Netflix series that got you so hooked?? It was Downton Abbey, wasn't it? Or maybe "Call the Midwife"? One of the two, I'm sure.

    Glad you managed to get this in, late or not! :)

