Or simply my unproductivity
My sad tendency to procrastinate
Amounts in this here blog being tardy
The brainwashing effects of a Netflix
Series that I enjoy watching all day
Has gotten me in quite a tragic fix
Which causes me some sadness and dismay
This iPad keyboard is quite troublesome
I keep on clicking on the wrong letters
But I don't plan on being some old bum
So here I sit making this blog better
If ever approaches another break
The same sad mistake I hope not to make
The brainwashing effects of a Netflix
Series that I enjoy watching all day
Has gotten me in quite a tragic fix
Which causes me some sadness and dismay
This iPad keyboard is quite troublesome
I keep on clicking on the wrong letters
But I don't plan on being some old bum
So here I sit making this blog better
If ever approaches another break
The same sad mistake I hope not to make